Monday, January 24, 2011

snack time

  • finger pancakes made with left over pancake batter from last week (did you all know that you can keep most things in the refrigerator for alot longer than you think with out it going bad or turning sour.)
  • and orange slices and water
and back on the topic of water..........please, please, please,please make sure your kids arfe getting water on a constant basis throughout the day, i actually heard a teacher say one time that its about changing diapers or having to take to many trips to the bathroom.  Come on, did you ever think that the more the bladder is stimulated the more opportunity for potty-training and contenence control.  And fruther more in the defense of water and its necessity in the well being of all of us, is it not a small price to take s few extra trips to the bathroom or waste a few extra minutes and diapers and gloves for the over all weel being of the clarity of thought and of our children, which will allow them to take our guidance and remember more effectively, not to mention that it will allow for their busy muscles that are constantly growing and moving and building the proper hydration as to decrease the amount of soreness when experiencing "growing pains" or muscle grwoth and development. 

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