I need to comment on the constant true learning that occurs whenever i am in the midst of these children that i so called "educate". My reason for this topic is sparked by the departure of one very special, cursed and blessed child today from being a student in our early learning center. This child has a condition called GSD (glucose storage defficiency). Basically his body will not store sugar, therefore how and when his body processes its sugar(glucose) has to be regulated constantly.
He was diagnosed before he was as year, and prior to one and half years ago, was at home with mom or dad constantly... about two years. Mom came to the decision that maybe it could be time for him to be able to join a social classroom environment so she could start her education, with great reluctance. This thing, if not regulated properly, could kill him, no exagerations. So needless to say, a huge level of trust was put on the staff here to make him and his needs a priority. Naturally i took a huge interest in this, with all of my attacks on the food industry and wanting to cut back the forest of this sugar addiction we have in America...here is a child that could die from not haveing enough or too much, his life revolves around knowing how much sugar is in everything.
We took the challenge and performed with very caring, direct and precise action. His parents brought his lunch, but as much as possible we tried (with research and energy) to incorporate his needs into our own menu and food program. The family style meals that we believe in so strongly here needed to be incorporated into his menu, he deserves to have the same positive socal and emotional experiences as the rest. For that reson very close attention was payed to every gram and ounce of sugar that was in every food item i put on any menu or order guide.
The very profound thing is, this four year old child is more aware of what sugar content most foods have that are presented in his prescence (not specifics, but enough to be aware). Him and i and the other teachers constantly were in the middle of conversations about what foods he could eat and how much.
So for this I offer a very sincere THANK YOU to my young friend for allowing this learning opportunity that has effected my awareness and thought process for the rest of my life. Goodbye and you will truelly be missed.
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